Brussels Philharmonic | ReMuA


cultural mediation

ReMuA creates projects aimed at raising awareness of music, especially classical music, among children but also adults.

Founded by Sarah Goldfarb and Nick Hayes in 2009, ReMuA was born out of a desire to train musicians to work in schools around cultural mediation for children. Soon, workshops were also organised for schools and children in vulnerable environments.

Meanwhile, the offer is very diverse: choirs for children and adults, mini-orchestras, introductory music, dance and percussion workshops and numerous courses are now on the menu! At the same time, the number of projects in schools is also increasing.

od erg divers: koren voor kinderen en volwassenen, mini-orkesten, inleidende muziek-, dans- en percussieworkshops en talrijke cursussen staan nu op het menu! Tegelijkertijd neemt ook het aantal projecten in de scholen toe.

[more about ReMuA]